DIY Fretsaw project.

For a while I’ve been thinking about building some kind of DIY fretsaw jig.. Don’t know if it would work, but I’m going to give it a shot. When it turns out to be a dead end, I can always buy one…(not so much fun). As shown above on the first sketch. I’m going to build it without too much planning, first a rough build with an old used up saw (hopefully my fingers will still remain a part of me). Stay tuned for more info.

By | 2017-03-04T09:17:24+00:00 März 4th, 2017|Gitarren, Werkzeug|0 Comments

About the Author:

Born in Sweden, but living in Germany, into music (of course) and soccer. Currently listening to Sturgill Simpson and Jason Isbell. Building on the Brownsville guitar..... DIY!

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